Apartmenthouse Saturnin

Bar Saturnin

café-bar, gallery, club, apartments


Apartment House SATURNIN

How to find Guesthouse Saturnin (Orebitska street)

Bank account: 107-7270710207/0100 KB
IBAN CZ7201000001077270710207
Number of Bank Account: 107-7270710207
Bank: 0100 KB

Apartment DENISA

Apartment JARKA

Apartment VERA

Apartment SIMONA

Apartment Zuzana

A few about location:

All about parking

Handover of the keys

Adress of Apartment house Saturnin
Contact: árka Tesařová
Address: Orebitská 5/726,
    Praha 3 - ikov, 130 00
Mobil: +420 603 28 10 28
Facility management in Prague


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